Overcoming Burnout & Achieving Financial Independence

Cydoc & Dr. Fawcett

The Cydoc team is pleased to introduce Dr. Cory S. Fawcett, the author of the award-winning, bestselling Doctors Guide book series. In addition to six published books, he has also released two online video courses including Automating Your Real Estate Investments and Thriving in Locum Tenens. He spent 23 years as a private practice general surgeon in Southern Oregon where he raised two boys while managing his 64 rental units. With a real estate cash flow in excess of his living expenses, he retired from medicine in 2017 at the age of 54. When he and his wife of 35 years are not exploring the world, he is coaching and teaching doctors to live a more fulfilling life, avoid burnout, and reach financial independence. His one-on-one coaching programs include High Performance and Total Financial Makeover. He can be reached through his website, FinancialSuccessMD.com, as well as other social media locations.

Dr. Cory S. Fawcett

Thank you so much for joining us, Dr. Fawcett! What motivated you to start Financial Success MD, and what services do you offer physicians?

I started this online business in 2016 with the release of my first book in the Doctors Guide series. My goal was to have something to do in my retirement years that would give me purpose. So I started sharing my wisdom from 23 years of medical practice to help doctors live a more fulfilling life and avoid burnout by getting their financial life together, which creates more options. Today I have a weekly blog, six books and counting, two evergreen online courses (real estate and locums), and two coaching programs (financial makeover and high performance). I lived a happy and healthy life as a surgeon and was able to retire on my terms at age 54. I love to share my experience from the perspective of someone who has actually done what I teach. I don’t teach from the perspective of theory of how my future might turn out. It is best to find mentors who have actually completed the journey they share with you. 

What are the biggest challenges you see physicians facing today?

Loss of autonomy. Young physicians are being taught that the only good opportunity for them is to be an employee of a major hospital group. Then they get stuck in a rut of doing what someone tells them they will do. After being in that rut for a while, they don’t see any other options. “Just put in my time until I retire and then I can start living.” The better answer is to start living now. Anything you want to do bad enough to say you will do it when you retire is something you should be doing now. Don’t wait for someday to live the life you desire.

What are your favorite strategies for reducing burnout?

Do more of what you love and less of what you don’t. If you tell yourself you hate something, stop and write that down. Then figure out a way to do less of it. On the flip side, if you catch yourself saying you love something, write that down and figure out how to do more of it. We have a lot more power than we think to do the things we want.

Editor's Offer: If you'd like to spend less time on note writing, you can try a free trial of the Cydoc Smart Patient Intake Form, which drafts notes to save 10 minutes per visit.

What are your future plans for Financial Success MD?

I wish to continue what I am doing now until I no longer feel productive. I have several more books coming out over the next few years. My favorite thing to do is one-on-one coaching so I will continue to do that. 

What “words of wisdom” would you want every physician to have the chance to hear?

You have the power to make changes in your practice, even if you are an employee. Exercise that power and create a better practice that will not push you towards burnout. Burnout should not be happening, and will not, if you take control.

How can our readers reach out to you or follow you on social media?

Dr. Cory S. Fawcett, Financial Success MD

Web page: www.FinancialSuccessMD.com

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/financialsuccessmd/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinancialSuccessMD/

Twitter: @Fin_SuccessMD

YouTube: Financial Success MD

Pinterest: financialsuccessmd

Instagram: financialsuccessmd

Thank you for joining us, Dr. Fawcett!

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